Can I use Dropbox on Hoffman2?

Please be mindful,

“Faculty and staff use of cloud services offered by UCLA must comply with applicable University and campus policies, notably policies relating to the protection of University data and the UC Electronic Communications Policy. This includes observing the data use requirements in the documents below, which are based on the UCLA Data Classification Standard and University-negotiated agreements established to help safeguard information about individuals and other confidential information for which the campus is a steward. Always employ due care when processing, storing, transmitting, or communicating sensitive information. Violation of these data use requirements or other campus policies may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.” (

UCLA does not have a use agreement with dropbox, so you are accepting the terms personally.

Pursuant to UCLA Policy 404: Protection of Electronically Stored Personal Information any Personal Information (PI) data stored on IDRE-owned file systems must be protected. The policy also applies to data uploaded to or stored on UCLA Grid. More details of our security policy can be found here -

That said, we would remind you to think about what data you are storing and what are the consequences if it were compromised. If it’s not risky or confidential data, you’re likely okay. If you have more specific questions, we would recommend talking to Kent Wada, Director of Strategic IT Policy and Chief Privacy Officer for Office of Information Technology (, x6-3874).

If you still want to move data between Hoffman2 and Dropbox, we would recommend using Rclone. Instructions can be found here: Also, you should run this utility on our data transfer nodes (dtn1 and dtn2) and not on our login nodes.
Creation date: 6/3/2016 12:22 PM      Updated: 10/28/2019 9:52 AM