Hoffman2 Cluster Filesystem Classifications

Dear Hoffman2 Users,
We have made technical and administrative changes in the way that filesystems are allocated and backed up in order to provide the most cost effective, highest performance backed up storage and private scratch space, to make
more efficient use of storage resources, and to ensure a consistent user experience.

Part of these changes are in ensuring that all users (and administrators) are always aware of the backup status of their work.

We now have three classes of storage:
1) /u/home/username
These private 20GB directories are provided to all users, located on highly responsive, low latency filesystems, backed up, and support filesystem snapshots for self-help file recovery. They are intended for interactive
development and provide a uniform location for critical files to be stored, regardless of the user's sponsor.

2) /u/project/sponsor/
This purchased storage, known as a project directory, is BACKED UP and is located on a filesystem that best meets the storage capacity and parallel access requirements of the purchaser. This storage may be shared amongst all
users in the sponsor's group.

3) /u/scratch
This high-performance, flash-based storage is allocated on a demand basis with a quota of 2TB per user.  This storage is intended only for use by running jobs and files remaining on /u/scratch for more than 14 days will be automatically deleted.

3) /u/nobackup/sponsor/
This purchased storage, known as private scratch space, is NOT BACKED UP. It is located on a filesystem that best meets the storage capacity and parallel access requirements of the purchaser. This storage may be shared amongst
all users in the sponsor's group.
