A centralized installation of qiime2 is available via anaconda:
To run qiime2 interactively:
qrsh #any resource needed
module load anaconda3/2022.05
conda activate qiime2-2021.8
you can now test that things are working with:
qiime --help
to exit from the conda environment please use:
source deactivate
To run qiime2 from in a batch job:
you will need to create a script, called for example submit_qiime.sh, similar to:
##### submit_qiime.sh SCRIPT START #######
#$ -cwd
# error = Merged with joblog
#$ -o joblog.$JOB_ID
#$ -j y
#$ -l h_rt=1:00:00,h_data=1G
#$ -pe shared 1
# Email address to notify
#$ -M $USER@mail
# Notify when
#$ -m bea
# echo job info on joblog:
echo "Job $JOB_ID started on: " `hostname -s`
echo "Job $JOB_ID started on: " `date `
echo " "
# load the job environment:
. /u/local/Modules/default/init/modules.sh
module load anaconda3/2022.05
conda activate qiime2-2021.8
# run qiime2 code, for example (CHANGE AS NEEDED):
echo 'qiime --help'
qiime --help
source deactivate
# echo job info on joblog:
echo "Job $JOB_ID ended on: " `hostname -s`
echo "Job $JOB_ID ended on: " `date `
echo " "
##### submit_qiime.sh SCRIPT END #######
In the script above (submit_qiime.sh) please change the qiime command in:
# run qiime2 code, for example:
echo 'qiime --help'
qiime --help
to reflect the actual qiime commands you intend to use.
Also, please change:
#$ -l h_rt=1:00:00,h_data=1G
#$ -pe shared 1
to reflect the time (h_rt), memory (h_data) and number of cores (shared X) you intend to use (you may also need to add to the "#$ -l" line the complex "highp" if you intend to run your code on your group resources (you would then use: "#$ -l h_rt=HHH:00:00,h_data=XG,highp").
When you are done editing the submission script issue:
chmod u+x submit_qiime2.sh
and you can then submit your job with:
qsub submit_qiime2.sh
RD - October, 2017
RD - Last updated September 2022