These are the steps/software that you will need to install on your local Windows machine to run ansys locally while checking out your group license running on the Hoffman2 license manager:
- You will need to install on your local Windows machine Git BASH ( or MobaXterm (
- You will also need to install a version of ansys on your local machine which matches the ansys version running on the Hoffman2 cluster, to do so:
- navigate to,
- login in using your own (or your group) ansys credentials (typically provided by the vendor in the email)
- once logged in, select Downloads>XXX Release
- Scroll down to Academic Packages o Download and install Electronics and Fluids & Structures
- on your local computer, on which you have just downloaded ansys, before starting the installation, open either Git Bash or MobaXterm (and on the latter open a local tab) and start the following SSH port forwarding:
ssh -g -L 1055:lm:1055 -g -L 2325:lm:2325 -g -L 2326:lm:2326 -f <YOURHOFFMAN2CLUSTERACCOUNTNAME> -N
where you will substitute <YOURHOFFMAN2CLUSTERACCOUNTNAME> with your Hoffman2 Cluster account name
start ansys installation and when prompted to enter the address of the license manager host enter:
this should be therefore the default option (or perhaps: localhost@1055) so you should be fine with leaving the default options unchanged.
- Should you have an already existing installation on ansys that you would like to point to our license manager, edit (as an administrator) the file ansyslmd.ini (typically in ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing) and make sure that it contains the lines :
- if applicable the file redirect.lic (typically in AnsysEM/admin):
SERVER localhost ANY 1055
If you already have installed ansys on your local machine (and made sure that the ansyslmd.ini file is properly set) to start the software on your local machine:
ssh -g -L 1055:lm:1055 -g -L 2325:lm:2325 -g -L 2326:lm:2326 -f <YOURHOFFMAN2CLUSTERACCOUNTNAME> -N
You should now be able to start ANSYS on your local machine.
NOTE: Do not terminate the SSH port forwarding (or close the Git Bash or MobaXterm on which you have started the process) while running ansys on your local computer.
NOTE: for a linux system instead of editing the ansyslmd.ini file you will need to set the NSYSLI_SERVERS and NSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE on your local machine as shown above.